Friday 17 February 2012

Headed to Banff...

Today I'm going to Banff for the day and we are just going to walk around and look at some things and we are also going to be going to the Indian Trading Post and I am going to get some canned moose!

I can't wait to see you guys when I get back from Canada and I will give you some canned moose!

Bye bye.


Monday 13 February 2012


I miss you guys sooooooooooooooooo much and I absolutely LOVE it here and Kate it hasn't snowed yet but as I am typing this the clouds in the sky are looking very much like snow clouds. It was -10 degrees when we arrived here yesterday and I am kind of getting used to the weather. Where we are staying at this moment is a quiet ranch in South of Calgary in Alberta with a large horse called "Fergie" a VERY old dog called "Skokie" and 3 cats one called "Mouse", one called "Tigger" and a stray cat that we feed but never comes near us called "Yellow Tailer", "Yellow Tail" for short. (I named him). This afternoon I am going to be riding "Fergie" around her pen and so is my brother. Timmy is flying a plane right now... CAN YOU BELIEVE IT!!!! I learnt how to make a latte (Coffee) for my mum and she is very happy with me right now. I also made cookies yesterday afternoon and my brother and I are in the process of building an igloo.
I am having so much fun and I miss you guys so much!
Bye from
P.S. Can you guys please tell Miss Bennett that I will not be able to get her a "Sea Otter" and maybe I could get her something that isn't , you know, alive.

Bye !!!!

Okay, here are some pictures from yesterday and today!

This is me with Skokie - he is so lovely. He is a Malamut and spends ALL his time outside, even though the temperature can get to less than -40 degrees overnight here during the winter!

This is me and Timmy with Uncle Rob and Eileen. That's Uncle Rob's plane, that he BUILT himself - and that's the plane that Timmy flew. They flew the plane from High River, which is north of where the ranch is - and went all the way south to Lethrbridge and then came back and landed on the runway that Uncle Rob built right here on the ranch! Then they flew the plane back to the airport at High River where it is kept for now, but soon it will be kept in the hangar (behind the plane in this picture) right here on the farm - that Uncle Rob also built himself!

This is ME sitting in the plane!

This is me and Fergie.

Me with Fergie again - you can see the house and Uncle Rob's workshop in the background.

This is me on top of one of the hay bales - they are a lot of fun to play on!

This is Timmy riding his bike back to the house from the hangar. There's not a lot of snow at the moment so it's easy to ride around - and we don't have to worry about traffic!


I'm riding Fergie!

Wednesday 8 February 2012

3 DAYS!!!!!!!

Hi guys it's me Issie and I'm soooooooo excited to go to Canada in just three days. I am going to miss you guys heaps and I will be posting videos on a private youtube channel that I will give you all a link on posts and I will give you the password for the channel. Today was great at the carnival and congrats to the people who won!

Bye for now from
